About Us
Community Link Childcare is a local, not for profit, childcare organisation which provides an affordable service for parents who are living, working and training in Aberdeen city. We provide affordable after school and holiday clubs which are run by highly trained childcare professionals, throughout the city. We also offer services for childcare professionals including a flexible relief pool of staff who are registered to work in any childcare setting. We also provide a consultancy service, resources library and disclosure service.
Community Link Childcare can also provide a private crèche service which can be tailored to your needs. Our newest service is the wedding crèche, which involves professional childcare staff attending your wedding to organise fun and games for the children attending.
Community Link Childcare is registered and regulated by the Care Inspectorate and follows national care standards in everyday practice. All staff are trained to the highest standards and all permanent staff must undergo regular intensive training packages which include first aid, food hygiene and child protection courses, as well as passing an PVG Scheme record.
The childcare services provided by Community Link Childcare make a major contribution to the development of the local economy and the tackling of social inclusion in some of Aberdeen’s regeneration areas. The lack of affordable childcare is often the most significant barrier to work or education for parents or carers.